Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Three Sheep - Part II
By Cortney Donelson

Source: Unknown

The petite girl stood in the waves in her pink bikini. Her blonde hair was a wet stringy mess that fell onto her shoulders. Another girl was taking her picture with a phone. The first girl posed, a few times with her hand on her hip, then a couple while she touched her hair. I sat about twenty-five yards away on the beach. I could not see her face, but I could feel her. I knew in my soul that this girl did not simply desire to look beautiful, she wanted to know she was beautiful. Perhaps it was her ultra skinny exterior. Or, maybe it was the way she moved, striving to hit that perfect pose for the camera. I felt that tug on my heart I’ve come to know – the one with God’s fingerprints all over it. 

The photographer returned her phone, and I looked away. I wasn’t sure why I was drawn to this girl. Something about her seemed desperate. However, I went back to reading my book. About ten minutes later, the friend I had mom-napped for a day (so we could drive to the ocean and stick our toes in the sand) was standing in the water. Girl-in-Pink approached her holding her camera phone. I watched them interact, unable to hear their words. My friend took Girl-in-Pink’s phone and proceeded to take more pictures of this one who had captured my heart while she stood in the ocean. 

When she finished, my friend came back to our beach spot and sat down. We exchanged our observations. This girl was scary thin. I asked about her age. My friend replied that it was difficult to tell because her face was worn – “like she’s led a hard life … you know what I mean?” We watched the girl walk back up the beach, curious to see where she would sit, to find out with whom she had come. As she walked, she seemed to be yelling at herself. Her left hand motioning up and down in quick spurts, as if she was reprimanding someone. She walked to a single towel on the sand, lay on her back, covered her face with her shirt, and appeared to cry. 

My heart exploded in my chest. I felt her raw pain more than I saw it. It was strange. There were hundreds of people at the beach this particular day. I had been watching many of them all morning. Yes, I people-watch. Don’t you? Yet, something about this girl struck me. I stood up, walked over to where she lay, and sat in the sand next to her. “Are you okay?” 

She removed her shirt from her face. Her cheekbones were sunken and her blue eyes looked hollow. Her eyes glistened with tears, but they held no shine. Dull eyes. 

“My name is Cortney. I noticed you were alone and seemed upset. Is there something I can do to help?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“You don’t seem fine… Do you know there is a God who loves you and who wants you to know you’re beautiful?”

She looked at me, caught off guard. I continued, “I don’t believe in coincidences. I think God put me on this beach today for a reason. I was planning to go to the beach just south of here, but at the last minute, I felt strongly that this beach was where I should be. I think God led me here to tell you that He sees you. He loves you, and He wants you to know you’re beautiful.” 

Girl-in-Pink’s tears poured, but her eyes were no longer hollow. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.” I prayed for her, stood up, and walked back to my chair.

I wish this story were true. I wish I could go back in time – hit the rewind button if you will and play it out to completion as I described above. In reality, I stayed in my chair the whole time. I didn’t act out of obedience as I felt God prompting me to do. Here was a wandering sheep, a lost girl who had no idea that God was watching and caring. My friend and I really did end up spontaneously on that beach that day. We were heading to another location, but my friend and I changed our plans suddenly about twenty minutes from the coast. No reason. Just God. 

But, when I felt the whisper of God to reach out to this lost sheep, I didn’t. I wish I had a good explanation. I don’t. I rationalized that it was just me wanting to help everyone, and that it wasn’t God prompting me. I rationalized that they were my thoughts, and my thoughts alone, to reach out to people. So, I ignored those thoughts, thinking, I can’t just talk to everyone I see that seems upset. 

Can I share some truth here? The more intimate our relationship with God gets, the more we will start to know and understand His character. The more we know His character, the more we start to think like Him. So, those thoughts were not just mine. Here was a girl in desperate need of affirmation – to know she was not only beautiful, but loved. Isn’t it just like God to want to reach her? Isn’t it just like humanity to stay planted in our seats? 

I felt God’s tug and rationalized it away. I ran the other way, acting no differently than Jonah. The pastor of the church I attend asks us this, “What is God prompting you to do?” Then, he follows it up with, “and what are you going to do about it?” 

I sat in church the following day, and my own tears threatened to fall. I was not obedient, and as the pastor said the following, “Even reluctant obedience will make a difference,” I was gently reminded (aka convicted) that my word of the year is obedience. I silently repented, apologizing for missing an opportunity to show God’s love to someone who was obviously hurting. Then, I prayed that God would find someone else to reach this girl. That was one of the most difficult and humbling prayers I have ever uttered. “God, I messed up. Please use someone else who will be obedient in order to get your message to this precious daughter of yours.” Ouch. It should have been me. 

Next time, I pray it is.

There are wandering sheep in every city, every state, and every country. You don’t have to travel around the world to reach the lost, although you may be called to do so. You’ll find them in your schools, your workplaces, and your neighborhoods … even on the beach. These are the sheep Jesus ran after while He walked the earth as man. They are the sheep we ought to run after too. Our mission is to introduce Jesus to those who don’t know Him. Our target audience should always be the wandering sheep. In fact, it’s not just our mission; it’s The Great Commission.

Prayer - Father God, I’m so sorry. I don’t ever want my disobedience to get in the way of bringing your Good News of Great Joy to others. Thank You for running after us all, not only the wandering sheep, but those sheep who desire to follow you but who mess up and struggle daily with sinful hearts. Your love is everlasting and your grace is not only sufficient but, frankly, undeserved. Yet, that’s what grace is, isn’t it? For that we are so very thankful. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Influenced by the Book of Jonah, Acts 1:8, Jude 23, and Matthew 28:18-20. (There are many other scriptural references and parables told by Jesus about seeking out the lost. These are the specific ones I have studied for this devotion.)

©2015 As A Clay Jar. All rights reserved.

"Clay Jar Cracked," a new book by Cortney Donelson is now available on Lulu.com, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites, including e-pub, nook, and kindle versions. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Three Sheep - Part I
By Cortney Donelson

Source: Unknown

I have written and then rewritten this devotion four (ok, maybe six or seven) times.  I have prayed over it and have lay awake in bed thinking about it – perhaps for months now. It is that important to me that I get it right and that it is a challenging message that doesn’t twist words or sound too harsh. I just want it to be pleasing to God.  

In the past, I have struggled with a precarious balancing act: wanting to avoid judgment, knowing I must take the (many) planks out of my own eye first, and longing to minister to those who were engaging in life apart from their publicly professed beliefs. My heart is burdened for those who consider themselves Christian believers but who do not really have a deep and personal relationship with Christ and have not experienced first-hand what that relationship and living to follow God can bring to their lives. 

When I write, “living apart from professed beliefs,” I am specifically thinking about idleness and a lack of authentic Christian living. These seem prevalent in our society, particularly here in the United States. Idleness is not the same as rest. It is a habitual choice to avoid working or engaging in meaningful activity (in this case, for Christ). The key word is meaningful. I was guilty of such things not too long ago. In fact, I still fall short at times. So please, as you read this devotion, consider my heart. I struggle often with James 1:22 - drawing close to hear God and then living in accordance with everything He wants for (and from) me. After all, it’s a hard course to follow. Sometimes I run the other way, much like Jonah. Other times, I twist what I know to be true to fit my own selfish desires. My goal is not to finger-point but to provide (albeit unsolicited) advice to those with a similar burden for others and to maybe even provide a small way to allow God to convict and lovingly open the eyes of those living in spiritual idleness. My desire is that no one reaches Heaven and hears, “But I never knew you.” Because sadly, I believe many will, in fact, hear those words.

I recently heard second-hand about how someone classified those who call themselves Christians in three ways, and I took this individual’s perspective and changed it slightly and molded it respectfully so that I could understand it as it related to my own balancing act. As professing believers, we are often biblically described as sheep. Perhaps, we sheep fall into one of three categories. Let’s call us Masquerading Sheep, Wandering Sheep, or Sharpening Sheep. 

Masquerading Sheep are the pious dynamos that are so arrogantly focused on the religious “dos and don’ts” of Christianity that when Jesus steps into their world, they completely miss Him. They are the wolves in sheep’s wool that profess to be spiritual and upright but whom, in fact, are not. They are hypocritical and intentionally speak one way but act another way with little or no remorse. As Gill’s Exposition of the Bible puts it, “It was the way of deceivers, and profane men, to cover themselves with their talith, or long garment, as if they were righteous men that persons might receive their lies. All which agrees very well with the Pharisees, who would have been thought to have been holy and righteous, humble, modest, and self-denying men; when they were inwardly full of hypocrisy and iniquity, of rapine, oppression, and covetousness; and, under a pretense of religion, ‘devoured widows' houses." Masquerading Sheep want people to think they have it all together, when in reality, they don’t really love Jesus; they love themselves. 

Authenticity is the degree to which our inner selves (our beliefs, values, feelings, opinions, and spirit) match our outer selves (our actions, decisions, and where we park our priorities). It can also be described as how much we “walk the talk.” The Masquerading Sheep have no authenticity. They claim to have spiritual insight and perhaps engage in ministry, but their relentless positioning for power and influence, their egos, and a hunger to achieve a positive appearance outshine their love for God and others. 

Masquerading Sheep may attend church, but they don’t really believe they are in need of a savior. They have a distorted understanding of their own goodness. They may talk about their faith in superficial ways and profess to be believers, yet there seems to be no genuine or profound conviction. Good works may be evident, but true love is not. Their relationships skim the surface, never diving deep, down where the Spirit dwells. Their words say, “Yes, I believe,” but their actions shout, “I am first.” Boasting and gossiping are likely hobbies. Sunday is the only day reserved for God. The rest of the week is filled with worldly pursuits.

They stand at the edge of the river professing God’s greatness and faithfulness but never put their toe in because the water is too quick or deep for their liking. Comfort and safety are paramount. They tend to make everything about them, unless it’s time for honest self-reflection and seeking forgiveness for their own sins. During those times, they become silent.

There are seasons in our lives when we may attempt to spend a lot of effort and energy in relationships with Masquerading Sheep. We want to help, to point them to True North. I know I have desperately tried to tear masks off only to find I don’t have the ability to do so. These relationships are frustrating – and dangerous. It is difficult to watch someone who has so much potential for God’s kingdom to repeatedly choose comfort over humility or worse – the world over an eternity with God.  

Jesus modeled for us a solution for interacting with these wolves in sheep’s clothing. I never realized how simple it was until I studied Jesus in some of these circumstances. He (and later the apostles) did not typically spend time with these individuals. In fact, they actively avoided them. Admittedly, they were trying to take their lives, but Jesus and His disciples also knew their hearts were hardened. Their eyes were veiled. They wasted little time, if any, trying to teach or reach them. In most cases, Jesus verbally reprimanded them or told parables to teach others how these Pharisees were living apart from God. Most times, He turned his focus to those who were authentic. The Lost. The Broken. The Seeking. The Humble. The Teachable.  

Masquerading Sheep are not living out authentic Christianity, and if you watch and listen carefully, their actions and words prove it. It is for our own protection that we seek to discern and set apart these “sheep” from others. I believe Jesus teaches us to distinguish them from others to avoid them. “By their fruit you will recognize them.” (Matthew 7:20) For, there is no true fruit. There is no selfless love, no true compassion, and no taking up their crosses for the Kingdom’s cause. “Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright?” (Proverbs 20:11) I have learned that spending much time with these individuals leaves me weak, fatigued, and spiritually drained. My walk is hindered, and I’m sure that is not part of God’s plan for me.
Thankfully, God has clearly described what relationships we are to pursue – those with Wandering Sheep and Sharpening Sheep. Stay tuned for Part II.  

Prayer - Father God, thank You for Your word, for Jesus as our perfect role model, and for spiritual mentors. Thank You that we can navigate every relationship by studying and following Jesus’s teachings and the lessons found in the Bible. I pray for those who are masquerading, those living apart from You even as they profess their love for You. I pray that some day their hearts are broken open and Your love and grace flow in to change them forever - from the inside out. For, You won’t give up on them because that is perfect love. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Influenced by Matthew 7, particularly verses 15-23 (in the NIV).

©2015 As A Clay Jar. All rights reserved.

"Clay Jar Cracked," a new book by Cortney Donelson is now available on Lulu.com, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites, including e-pub, nook, and kindle versions.