Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Invitation
By Cortney Donelson

Matthew 11:28-30 (NLV)
“Come to Me, all of you who work and have heavy loads. I will give you rest.  For My way of carrying a load is easy and My load is not heavy.”

April 2, 2013

Dear Beloved,

As your Creator, Savior, Friend, and King, I am inviting you to come away with Me on a life-changing adventure. Let’s share a moment, an hour, or maybe even a day in each other’s presence. I hope you choose to stop racing around in your world for just enough time to drink in My world. I will fill your cup. That’s My promise.

Children grow faster than one can imagine. You are My child. I watch you grow with the weight of worldly expectations, neighbor comparisons, backward-aimed success, and unmet goals. It is time to flourish in a new stage of life – one where the race is focused on Me … on Christ-like comparisons, upward-aimed success, and realized Kingdom dreams.

Your world defines success one win, one promotion, one new car, one home-run  or one medal at a time. I watch you put on your mask of happiness. I see you ignore the “but I am well-rounded” exhaustion. I gaze on your inner beauty as you try to ensure your outer appearance is acceptable to the lofty standards of your culture.

You have bought into the mixed up idea that if your kids are involved in every activity, do well in school, secure that scholarship, find that well-paying job, and win the most awards, then you have parented well.

Dear Child of Mine, I do not measure success by those things. Success in My world does not require you to look to others for applause, admiration, or adoration. You have an audience of One – Me. I applaud you. I admire you. I adore you more than the stars I lit that shine for millions of miles. I created you to reflect Me, not those around you.

Imagine a day where straight A’s don’t matter, but straight truths do. Imagine a place where cars, houses, and possessions are worthless, but your priceless heart has been gifted eternity. Imagine a Father that looks at all your activities and sorts them by grace’s standards and not by prestige, power, pay grade, or by the check marks in the win column. Think about enjoying a day without wondering who will call you, what you should wear, how much money you need to make, or what others might think about you.

This place is real. It’s called Home. And, if you accept My invitation today, right here and now, Home will reach down from the heavens and fill your fatigued soul. You can live an abundant, joy-filled life regardless of what is happening around you. You can choose this now.

Today, I think about you – every second. I long for your whole heart. I already gave you Mine. Please accept it. My ways are not your ways. My thoughts are not your thoughts. Leave the weight of your world, and come find peace with Me.

Please RSVP now. I hope to meet you here to enjoy this special moment. 



* As interpreted from His teachings

Prayer – As Your child, I thank You for helping me look through Your lenses rather than mine today. Thank You for the reminder that You do not define success as we do. You are after our hearts, not our accomplishments. Help us to keep our focus on You. Help us say no to chaos and yes to peace. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

© 2013 As A Clay Jar. All rights reserved.

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