Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Our Deer Feet
By Cortney Donelson

This devotion was first published in May 2013 by As a Clay Jar. It has been, by far, the most read devotion overseas. In a few weeks, I will repost the devotion most popular with readers from the United States. Thank you to all my readers, near and far. God bless you.

Source: Unknown

Habakkuk 3:19 (NKJV)
“The Lord God is my strength;

He will make my feet like deer’s feet,
And He will make me walk on my high hills.”

The ability to change directions quickly…

That is what I long for as a Christian. When I am running down a path not suitable for my gifts or my purpose, I pray for the capacity to hear God yell “turn around!” If I can hear it, I can do it – because God gave me feet like those of a deer. After all, I desire to be obedient to His call.

When I first read Habakkuk 3:19 (verses similar to Psalm 18:33), I immediately thought of a deer’s amazing ability to jump and run. The muscles of a deer's hind legs provide most of the power for those physical skills. Did you know that deer have the startling ability to jump eight feet into the air?

However, the deer’s front legs are just as special and just as critical to their survival. They are ideal for pivoting, allowing the deer to make sharp turns. I believe it is these front legs that are even more noteworthy when it comes to my faith journey.

Here’s another “deer feet” fact that maybe you didn’t know: With all this running, jumping, pivoting, and changing directions, the hooves are constantly worn down by heavy use. So, God created the hooves to grow continuously – they never stop. I think this is the most significant aspect of a deer’s feet to consider as I look at my own relationship with God.

When Scripture says, “He will make my feet like deer’s feet,” I try not to take this too lightly. I was made to run, jump, pivot, change directions, and grow as a Christian. I want to run to God. I long for the courage to jump into obedience of His will. I seek to pivot away from temptations and circumstances that go against God. I desperately hope I can change directions when I am on the wrong path. And, I ache to grow continuously in my faith and in my relationship with Jesus.

For a long time, I had been running down the wrong path. Unknowingly, I was putting someone else ahead of God – my husband in fact. Kyle Idelman, author of “Not a Fan,” asks this question of Christians to prompt a serious look at our relationships with God, “Where do you turn when things go wrong?” Up until a couple years ago, my answer would have revealed a problem. During struggles, my first reaction was to go to my husband – every time. In thorny circumstances, we would lean on each other instead of getting on our knees and seeking out His presence. We solved every difficult decision together but without God’s input. We led small groups, but we were not praying together. On paper, we had a very Jesus-filled marriage. In reality, our marriage was independent of Jesus’ direction, and we were absolutely running down the wrong path.

That dangerous path led to pain, hurt, selfishness, loneliness, betrayal, and loss. The last part of Habakkuk says, And He will make me walk on my high hills.”

Thankfully, God had a plan for me. I was one of His lost sheep. Yet, in His loving fashion, God put me up on a high hill where I was forced to see my mistake. In His gracious way, He allowed me to experience a specific catastrophe – one with a powerful purpose. Only this type of sting could force me apart from my husband long enough to make the choice God was hoping I would make. Ultimately, that choice was to use those deer feet the Lord gave me to pivot and change directions, getting back on His path.

Sometimes, our high hills – in this case our painful experiences – are our greatest blessings. When God made me walk up there on “heartbreak hill,” He opened my eyes to His love and purpose for me. Just like those hooves, I felt worn out while working through the crisis, but I grew too. I grew spiritually and emotionally. I also grew mentally and relationally. Now, two years later, I am running and jumping with power – His power.

My husband and I are running together down the right path now because God is in the middle. However, every once in a while, I check myself to make sure I am putting Him first and that I am listening for His voice to guide me – and help me pivot again if needed.

My deer feet have done me well.

Prayer – God, thank You for giving me the ability to seek You and run to You – through the sacrifice of Jesus, Your Son. There are many times I have had to change directions in life. You have been there every time to show me the way. My prayer is that I continue to grow towards You in my mind, heart, and spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Author’s Note:
You will find people whom you love, whom you share everything with – when you do, ensure that God is your Master and you are both living to serve Him. 

© 2013-2014 As A Clay Jar. All rights reserved.


  1. Thank you for this wonderful reminder of God's love for us.

    1. You're welcome! And, Anonymous, thank YOU for making my day with your encouragement!

  2. Hello woman of God. I had this saved in my favorites and really hadn't a chance to read it. but slowed down. on my break here at work. so right, even in the minstry ripping jumping and running we have to slow down and she who we are running, leaping for. Blessings to you.
