Monday, December 5, 2016

Advent Reflections: Day 5
By Cortney Donelson

John 1:14And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

God's Word became flesh means that God descended from Heaven to earth in the form of a baby named Jesus. Both fully God and fully human, He came to provide Salvation (the solution) for our sins. Without Jesus, we would still be making burnt offerings and sacrifices to atone for those sins. The veil would not have been torn, giving us access to the God of All Creation. 

Those who walked with Jesus during His 33 year reign on earth faced the spectacular. They used each one of their senses to experience God's glory, His grace, and His truth. Imagine! They touched the Lord's cloak, watched His miracles unfold, heard His sermons first-hand, smelled the wine turned from water, tasted the bread and fish that fed the multitudes, and learned how to walk intimately with God from God Himself. 

I am often envious of those who knew Jesus so tangibly. I forget that Jesus advised us that it was better for Him to leave. In the dark and anxious moments of life, it is easy for me to overlook the One who came in place of Jesus, the One whom Jesus called another Comforter. This Spirit dwelling within those who put their trust in Christ is also Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, and Counselor. I often forget I can use every sense to experience God's Word and power through the Holy Spirit. 

So, this Christmas season, let's take time to tap into the Spirit. Let's catch a glimpse of the love that pours out of others who are tapping into the Holy Spirit. Let's allow Him to comfort, help, advocate, and counsel us. After all, as Jesus explained, it is better to have God abiding within us at all times than to have Jesus right in front of us just part of the time as the disciples did. 

Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, we love You! We don't want to miss the impact of Christ's coming, NOR the significance of His leaving to return to the Father. We pray we tap into the Holy Spirit within us and allow our reactions and responses to our circumstances flow from the power of the Spirit rather than our own emotions and understanding. Amen.

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