Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What Moves You?
By Cortney Donelson

Source: Unknown

Luke 12:34 (NIV)
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

In the “Harry Potter” series by J.K. Rowling, The Mirror of Erised is a mirror, which, according to the character Albus Dumbledore, shows the "deepest and most desperate desire of one's heart." The name "Erised" is "desire" spelled backwards, as if reflected in a mirror. The happiest person in the world could look in the mirror and see a reflection of exactly the way he or she is. As described in the first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” inscribed across the top of the mirror’s frame is the following text: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. Reversing the inscription and rearranging the spaces produces: I show not your face but your heart's desire.

Dumbledore explains to Harry Potter what the mirror does:
Harry Potter: “It shows us what we want… whatever we want…"
Albus Dumbledore: "Yes and no. It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts."

I felt compelled to ask myself, what would this mirror called Erised show me? As I initially tried to answer this question, I thought the mirror would reflect Jesus, my family, and Heaven. However, that is an easy and quick answer to a potentially deep and certainly thought-provoking question. Often, I make the mistake of assuming I am living righteously. And just as often, it is during those times when, in reality, I am far from living a life pleasing to God. When I think, “I am good,” it is usually when I am harboring pride, leaning toward selfishness, or living too safe. What would this mirror really show me?

Sitting with this question for more than a moment, I was reminded of Kyle Idleman’s take on how to honestly diagnose ourselves throughout the course of our faith journeys. I pulled out his book “Not a Fan.” He asks us to answer these three questions when assessing whether or not we are simple “fans” or true “followers” of Christ. 

  1. For what do I sacrifice my money?
  2. When I’m hurt, where do I go for comfort?
  3. What disappoints or frustrates me the most?
  4. What is it that really gets me excited?

Am I living out Acts 20:35 that says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive?” Am I seeking refuge from someone other than Jesus in times of difficulty? If so, did I at least go to God first? Or, has this person replaced God as my safety net and comforter? 

Do worldly nuisances such as traffic, homework, or my favorite team losing the big game overly frustrate me? Or, am I irked by Kingdom-relevant frustrations such as the greed, gossip, and dishonesty that slithers throughout our society? Irked enough to do something about them or just think about them and complain about the injustice of it all?

What gets me super excited? The winning time in the race? The recognition of a job well done? My child’s report card? Or, is it the email that comes through from someone I have never met wanting to sponsor a child in Haiti? 

After hearing about this fictional mirror, I struggled with an honest answer about where my priorities fell ... what were my deepest desires? Luke 12:34 says it this way, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Where was my treasure? 

I continued to wrestle with discerning my deepest desire for weeks. Then, one day my son shared his decision to be baptized. This child of mine, with his huge heart and illusive imagination, was ready to say publicly, “I follow Jesus.”  As I listened to him, my eyes filled. My heart pumped harder and warmed every part of my soul. My mouth erupted into a smile. My boy will never be alone. He will always have God.

This is what matters. My son’s decision moved me. It moved me so much that I will be prepared with lots of tissues this coming Saturday night as he is baptized after our church’s service. This is what excites me. An eternity with God for my child. This is where my treasure lies. Perhaps I have found my answer regarding that deepest desire of my heart...

If it were real, what would Erised show you if you stood in front of it? What moves you to tears? To action? 

Perhaps it’s time for us all to take a genuine look at where our hearts sit. It kinda matters…

Prayer – Father God, thank You for providing authors who can make us think, Our prayer is that we don’t stop with just our thoughts, but that those thoughts move us into action! Bless us and expand our territory for Your causes. Make our treasures alive in You and our hearts turned toward eternity with You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

© 2014 As a Clay Jar. All rights reserved.

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