Friday, December 9, 2016

Advent Reflections: Day 9
By Cortney Donelson

Lamentations 3:25
The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. 
Sometimes bad things happen. We can't avoid them. For now, we are residents of a fallen world, one which the enemy uses as his very own playground. And yet...
there is always hope. It's a hope born from the faithfulness and goodness of God. 
there is always joy. It's a joy that springs forth as we recognize the presence of God during our toughest times as well as in the most wonderful of circumstances. 
there is victory in Christ. The birth of Jesus ignited God's plan to overcome evil, even death. 
For those who seek the LORD every day, for those who pursue His hope and joy, for those who wait in expectation for Him, and for those who understand the victory that is the LORD's and in which we share ... for those, the LORD is good. 
So no matter what trial you experienced this week, no matter how you have been hurt, no matter which condition you face (loneliness, grief, illness, or another), I encourage you to seek out God and rediscover the hope that awaits. Experience the goodness He promises. It's in the waiting that we truly find the fullness of God and realize He is our portion.  Father God, while we may not always feel happiness, we can always experience Your hope, joy, and goodness. For that, we are truly grateful. You never leave us, but rather lift us up in our darkest seasons and show us your power through Your mere presence. Father God, You are our portion. We will wait in You. In Jesus name we pray.  Amen.

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